I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.
— Emma Goldman
Megh & Ponyboy in Long Island

Megh & Ponyboy in Long Island

Perks of Local Flowers

Perks of Local Flowers

Next time you are at your local farmers market, be sure to check out the fresh flowers grown by local farmers. These simple accents can add tons of personality to any space and are also great for the community, benefiting everyone from the growers to the florist and you.

Flowers bought locally tend to last much longer, are free of chemicals, and have a freshness making their fragrance much stronger than anything bought in a store. Since they haven’t been shipped from a far away place, their quality is much higher than flowers that have been packed and shipped for days.  Also, if you continue to stop by the market season after season, you’ll get to see the diversity of what is grown in your region. Each season has its own smell, colors, and feeling.

Here are a few tips for when you’re wandering your local market or stopping by the florist to help choose which flowers to purchase during the summer months of June-October

They are a lovely alternative to dahlias and normally cost less, last longer, and the giant variety can be just as big and have the same unique colors. The bloom for most of the summer so you will always find them at the farmers market.

Lisianthus is a great alternative to roses.  Their vase life is well over a week.

Gladiolus When their blooms begin to wilt, pick them off the stem and the flowers will continue to bloom up.  This will extend the flower’s vase life.

Globe Amaranth and Statice If they still looks healthy when the life of your arrangement is done, the stems can be removed from the water and hung by the stems to dry. You can hang them with a rubber band or string to a nail, peg board, or cabinet knob. After about a week they will be dried enough to place in a vase without water.

Cosmos and Scabiosa add a fun and playful dimension to any arrangement. Their stems are curvy and have wispy leaves.

Sunflowers They are the quintessential summertime flower and there’s more varieties than you probably realize.

Dahlias This late summer bloom can be the small pom pom style or 6 inches wide. Their vase life is short but it’s definitely worth waiting til late summer for these beauties to bloom. They will be the star of your bouquet!

Always check the “local” label on your bouquet or discuss sustainability with your local flower farmer. They are the experts and will have some great options to brighten up your home!

this post originally appeared in Arhaus The Blog.
Photos by Christine Higgs and Tiffany Joy Photography

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